Lugares comunes

(Work in progress) by Collective: Artistas del Sandwich (Angela Navarro, Ana María Espejo, Johanna Zambrano, Laura Roa, María Angélica Guerrero)

This proposal was presented at the competition called Espacios de paz, as part of the peace process signed in Colombia in 2016 between the national government and the guerrilla group FARC at the time. Our proposal, a collective, elevated the largest supply center in the country: Corabastos, as a stage. Since its creation in 1970, Corabastos has been the main source of food for the citizens of Bogota and, at the same time, one of the most violent places with the greatest social conflicts in the city due to the great economic flow that takes place there. Precisely in its history, this place has been associated with corruption, drug trafficking, smuggling, money laundering, gangs, prostitution, homelessness, consumption and sale of illegal substances, child labor, among others. This has greatly affected the neighborhoods and surrounding areas, such as the street proposed for intervention.

Our research focused on conducting interviews with different residents of the area, business people, workers and street residents, among others. The questions posed were intended to identify similarities between interviewees and appeal to empathy as a tool for conflict resolution.

Due to legal permits in the area, the installation has not yet take place.